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Spokeo Removal: Complete Opt-Out Guide To Protect Your Personal Information

A person types on a laptop keyboard with holographic images of personal profiles and a padlock labeled "Confidential" floating in the foreground. Text reads: "Complete Opt-Out Guide To Protect Your Personal Information." The NR logo is in the corner, highlighting Spokeo removal.

This Spokeo removal guide will go over the process of submitting an opt out request so your personal information no longer shows up in the site’s search results.

Spokeo is a people search site where you can find personal details about people that’s been aggregated from other public sources, both online and offline. You can start your data broker search with a name, email address, phone number or physical address to look up people you know, including old classmates, coworkers, acquaintances or anyone else you may want private details about.

Unfortunately, that also means that people can use Spoke (and other people search sites) to find personal details about you. When your personal data gets into the wrong hands, all sorts of issues can arise, from stalking to identity theft to financial fraud and more.

Let’s go over how to find the Spokeo opt out page and submit a personal data removal request. If you need immediate help with data broker opt out requests, contact us today at 844-461-3632.

Step-by-Step Spokeo Opt Out Guide

To opt out of Spokeo and remove your personal data from the website, follow these steps.

1. Find Your Information on Spokeo

Before you go through the Spokeo opt out process, make sure your personal information exists on the site. If your information isn’t there, you don’t have to worry about Spokeo, and you can visit other data broker sites to focus your removal efforts there.

Starting on the Spokeo home page, enter your details into the search bar.

Screenshot of Spokeo's homepage featuring a search bar for entering a name, phone number, address, or email. The background displays a stylized network graph with interconnected nodes and icons related to Sp

When Your Info Isn’t On Spokeo

You may find that your information isn’t on Spokeo if you see this message:

Screenshot of a search interface with fields for "first name" and "last name," displaying a message saying "sorry, we don't have anyone by that name." A privacy icon assures user confidentiality for

At that point, you can either search a different way, like by your email address, or you can opt to visit another data broker site to opt out.

If you have an uncommon name and Spokeo doesn’t turn up any search results, chances are it’s not on the data broker site. You may opt to try a common misspelling of your name to make sure a profile for you doesn’t exist.

When Your Info Is On Spokeo

If a profile matching the personal information you entered does exist, you may be asked to provide more details to narrow down the search results.

Screenshot of a user interface asking "where does [name] live?" with fields to enter city and state, and buttons labeled "continue" and "not sure." a note emphasizes privacy with a statement

Enter the information Spokeo is asking for, then click the Continue button.

If you’re not sure of the extra personal information, you can click the Not Sure link instead, and Spokeo will run a search based on what you already entered.

Select Data Types

As Spokeo is running its search, you’ll see a pop-up that says to select data types. You can select individual data types, select them all or opt to skip this step.

A digital interface displaying various selectable data type options such as phone number, email address, current address, social profiles, location history, criminal records, family & relatives, and marital status for Spokeo

You may get additional questions while the search is running, which you can also answer “yes” or “no” or select “not sure.”

2. Enter Your Contact Information

Before you can be shown the results of the Spokeo people search, you have to enter your contact information.

Screenshot of an online registration form with fields for first name, last name, and email address. Below is a green "continue" button and text about Spokeo removal, email consent, and privacy

When you’re done, click Continue to move to the next step.

3. Go To Your Report

First, you’ll see a pop-up that says Spokeo is saving your search results. Click the Build My Report button to move to the next step.

A pop-up message on a computer screen that reads "saving search results... while we are getting ready to build your report" with a turquoise "build my report" button below. An email for Sp

Once your report is ready, click the Take Me To My Report button.

Illustration of a digital report notification on a screen displaying a blurred profile photo with the name "John Doe" and icons for personal, family, social, and court records. A button says "Sp

Currently, it doesn’t seem that there’s a free way to access a Spokeo profile. You’ll need to pay 95 cents to access the full name report and get the profile URL.

The image features a webpage dashboard for an instant information service. It displays a special trial offer for a full name report at $0.95 and highlights various report contents like current address and Spokeo

Make the payment, then copy the URL from the profile page.

4. Go To the Spokeo Opt Out Page

Open a new web page and go to the Spokeo opt out page, which you can find here.

Enter the profile URL and your email address into the designated fields. Click the captcha box, then click the Opt Out button.

Screenshot of a Spokeo removal online form with fields for url, email address, and a recaptcha verification checkbox labeled "i'm not a robot," followed by an "opt out" button.

5. Check Your Email

Next, check your email. You should receive a confirmation email. You’ll need to click the verification link to complete the Spokeo opt out request.

6. Watch for Future Listings

Since Spokeo gets its information from data brokers and public sources, it’s possible your information will appear on the site again in the future. It’s important to regularly check different people search sites in case your information appears on them again. If that happens, you’ll need to go through the opt out process once more.

Remove Your Info From Other Data Broker Sites With an ORM Strategy

A professional examining data on a smartphone with futuristic digital interfaces displaying graphs, global maps, and Spokeo removal processes in the background.

Aside from Spokeo, there are a host of other websites and data brokers that will show your public records, property records, court records and other personal information to anyone who searches for it.

It would take days or months to find all of your personal information listed by data brokers and even longer to go through the opt out process for each and every one. Then, you’d have to double-check that those websites actually took down your profiles from public view. If some of them don’t follow through on the removal request, you’ll need to go through the opt out process all over again and possibly contact their customer support team for extra help.

It can take a long time to opt out of Spokeo, and many other people search sites are just as tedious. Whether you need assistance with your Spokeo opt out or you want help finding old and new listings online to protect your court records and other information, get in touch with a removal expert at NetReputation.

Managing where your contact info, location history, current address and other personal information show up online is a step toward building a better online reputation. Contact us today at 844-461-3632 or by filling out the form below for a free consultation.

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