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How To Get Google Reviews For Your Small Business in 2023

Learn valuable techniques to acquire google reviews for your growing small business.

As a small business owner, getting more Google reviews can be a powerful tool to build your online reputation, create visibility for your business brand, and attract new customers. 

Positive reviews can help improve your search engine ranking and provide social proof that your business is trustworthy and provides excellent customer service. 

Getting more Google reviews can be an effective marketing strategy that can help your business grow and succeed. Our guide provides several strategies that small business owners can implement to encourage customers to leave reviews on Google.

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Why Getting Google Reviews Is Important For Your Small Business

Getting Google reviews is essential for small businesses for several reasons:

  1. Reviews build trust with potential customers: Positive reviews on Google can help build trust with potential customers by providing social proof that your business provides excellent products or services.
  2. Improve search engine ranking: Google reviews can impact a business’s search engine ranking, as businesses with more positive reviews and higher ratings are often ranked higher in search results.
  3. Provide valuable feedback: Google reviews can provide valuable feedback from customers, which can help businesses identify areas for improvement and make changes to better serve their customers.
  4. Increase customer engagement: Encouraging customers to leave Google reviews can increase customer engagement and interaction with your business, which can lead to increased loyalty and retention.
  5. Cost-effective marketing: Google reviews can be a cost-effective marketing tool for small businesses, as they are free and can be leveraged to attract new customers and grow the business.

It is our experience that getting Google reviews is critical for small businesses to build their online reputation, attract new customers, and improve their search engine ranking, especially in locally-oriented search results which are critical for small business growth. 

Where Do Google Reviews Appear?

Google reviews appear in several places across Google’s platforms and services, including:

  1. Google Maps: Google reviews are prominently displayed on a business’s Google Maps listing, making them visible to anyone searching for that business in the area.
  2. Google Search: Google reviews can appear in search results when someone searches for a specific business or service.
  3. Google My Business: Google reviews are an integral part of a business’s Google My Business profile, where potential customers can read reviews and see the overall rating of the business. Existing customers can leave reviews on the business’s Google My Business profile. 
  4. Google AdWords: Google reviews can be used in Google AdWords campaigns to showcase a business’s positive reviews and ratings.

In general, Google reviews are visible to anyone searching for a business or service on Google’s platforms, making them a powerful tool for building online reputation and attracting new customers.

Google review profile

Things To Consider With Google Reviews

If you’re a small business owner, learning about the Google review environment can help you get the most from this powerful brand-building tool. Here are important considerations to keep in mind:

Make Sure Your Google Business Profile is Verified

The first step is to claim your Google My Business profile. Once your business has been verified by postcard (Google’s typical verification method), you’re ready to unlock the features and tools of this platform. 

One feature of the Google My Business dashboard lets you take a look at reviews when they first come in. If reviews aren’t showing up, you can adjust your settings within the GMB dashboard. 

Reply to All Customer Reviews To Build Your Online Reputation

Responding to Google reviews can improve search visibility by providing social proof of a business’s engagement with customers and commitment to providing excellent service. 

When a business responds to reviews, it shows potential customers that the business cares about customer satisfaction and is willing to address concerns. This activity signals Google’s algorithm that the business is engaged with customers, which can improve search visibility and drive more traffic to their website.

Respond To All Reviews You Get

Replying to customer reviews is a critical part of review management, which is a component of an overall online reputation management strategy for business owners. When you respond to positive and negative reviews, you’re telling your customers that you value their feedback and take their concerns (or praise) seriously. 

Can My Customers Leave Me a Google Review Without Using a Google Account?

Can a customer leave a Google review without having a Google account?

The answer is yes and no: a person can leave a Google review without having a Google account. However, they will need to have a valid Google email address to leave a review. 

Google allows anonymous reviews, but they are subject to additional scrutiny to ensure they are genuine and not spam. Additionally, businesses can respond to anonymous reviews, but they won’t be able to see the reviewer’s name or other identifying information.

How Quickly do Google Reviews Go Up?

Most reviews posted by customers are visible in a matter of seconds unless that review contains large numbers of images the Google system must process.

Not all reviews are posted instantly; Google’s review tool evaluates the authenticity and accuracy of information, which may create delays. 

How to Get More Google Reviews

Now that we’ve learned about the value of Google reviews in improving online visibility and building the digital reputation of a small business, it’s time to dive into the meat of the matter: how to get more Google reviews. 

In our next sections, we’ll provide essential tips and strategies to help your business thrive in the digital environment. 

The Best Strategies To Get More Google Reviews For Your Business

In our experience, there are several proven strategies for business owners to use when desiring more Google reviews:

Remind Your Customers That You Have A Google Business Profile

There are several ways to remind customers that you have a Google Business profile and encourage them to leave reviews:

  1. Include a link to your Google Business profile in email signatures and newsletters: Adding a link to your Google Business profile in email signatures and newsletters can remind customers of your online presence and encourage them to leave reviews.
  2. Add a call-to-action on your website: Adding a call-to-action on your website, such as “Leave a review on Google,” can prompt customers to leave reviews and help build your online reputation.
  3. Display a sign in-store: Displaying a sign in-store with a QR code or a link to your Google Business profile can encourage customers to leave reviews after their visit.
  4. Ask for reviews in-person: When interacting with customers in-person, ask them if they had a positive experience and encourage them to leave a review on Google.
  5. Follow up with customers via email: Sending a follow-up email to customers after their visit can remind them of your Google Business profile and encourage them to leave a review.

When you use these tips, you’re making it easy for your customers to visit your Google My Business profile and encouraging them to leave reviews. 

Create A Google Review Link Shortcut

Here are the steps to create a link to your Google Business profile to share with customers:

  1. Go to Google’s Place ID Lookup tool (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-placeid-finder).
  2. Enter your business name in the search bar and select your business from the drop-down menu.
  3. Copy the Place ID that appears on the right-hand side of the page.
  4. Open a new browser tab and paste the following link: https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=
  5. After the equal sign in the link, paste the Place ID you copied in step 3.
  6. Test the link to ensure it directs to your Google Business profile.

Once you’ve created the link, you can share it with customers via email, social media, or on your website to encourage them to leave reviews.

Include a “Leave Us a Review” Link on Your Website

The link you just created should be placed on your business website, preferably in a strategic location where visitors are likely to spot it. 

Include A “Leave Us A Review”  Note on Your Customer Receipts

You can include a note or a QR code on purchase receipts, helping to encourage customers to visit your profile and leave a review. 

Include A “Leave Us A Review” Note on Your Thank You Emails

Followup emails are a great way to build relationships. They’re also ideal for sharing notes and links to encourage customers to leave you a glowing review. 

Create  “Leave Us A Google Review” Cards

Cards with a link or QR code can be placed near point-of-sale terminals or handed to customers at checkout.

Ask In Person For Positive Google Reviews

It’s always a good practice to ask your customers to leave a review, but there are a couple of points to keep in mind:

  1. Thank them for their business: Start by thanking the customer for their business and expressing your gratitude for their support.
  2. Let them know their opinion matters: Tell the customer that their feedback is valuable to your business and that you’d appreciate it if they could take a few minutes to leave a review.
  3. Make it easy for them: Provide a direct link to your Google Business profile or instructions on how to leave a review to make it easy for customers to leave a review.
  4. Personalize the request: Use the customer’s name and reference their recent visit to personalize the request and show that you value their opinion.
  5. Mention the impact of their review: Let the customer know that their review can help your business grow and attract new customers.
  6. Offer an incentive (optional): Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount or freebie, to customers who leave a review.

Asking customers to leave a Google review should be done politely and respectfully. In other words, don’t be pushy; let the customer make the ultimate decision about whether or not to post a review of your business. 

Set Up and Run a Google Review Email Campaign

Here are the steps to set up an email campaign to get more Google reviews:

  1. Choose an email marketing service: Choose an email marketing service like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or AWeber that allows you to create and send email campaigns.
  2. Collect email addresses: Collect email addresses from your customers through your website, in-store, or by asking them for their email address during a purchase.
  3. Segment your email list: Segment your email list based on recent purchases or interactions with your business, so you can personalize your email campaign and increase the likelihood of customers leaving a review.
  4. Create an email template: Create an email template that thanks the customer for their recent purchase or interaction with your business and asks them to leave a Google review.
  5. Provide clear instructions: Provide clear instructions on how to leave a Google review, including a direct link to your Google Business profile.
  6. Send a follow-up email: Send a follow-up email to customers who have not yet left a review, thanking them for their continued support and gently reminding them to leave a review.
  7. Monitor your results: Monitor the results of your email campaign, including the number of reviews received and the impact on your online reputation.

In our experience, setting up an email campaign to get more Google reviews is an effective way to engage with customers and build your online reputation.

Ask For Google Reviews on Your Social Media Channels

Remember that direct link you created to direct your customers to your Google review profile? Share it on social media! Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are ideal for encouraging your customers to leave reviews. 

Ask Your Vendors or Partners For Google Reviews

Even if you’re not a direct-to-consumer business, Google reviews are an essential part of your digital presence. Ask your vendors and B2B partners to leave reviews on your profile using the same tips you would leverage with retail customers. 

Create a Quick “How to Leave a Google Review” Instructional Video

To create a video tutorial to show customers how to leave Google reviews, you can follow these steps:

  1. Plan your content: Before creating your video, plan what you want to say and the steps you want to show. Make sure you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, and what you want your customers to do.
  2. Use screen recording software: You will need screen recording software to capture the steps you will be demonstrating. There are several options available, including Camtasia, Screenflow, and OBS Studio. Choose one that suits your needs and budget.
  3. Write a script: Write a script for your video tutorial. Make sure it is clear, concise, and easy to understand. You can also include screenshots or other visuals to help explain the process.
  4. Record your video: Use your screen recording software to record your video tutorial. Make sure you speak clearly and at a moderate pace so that your viewers can follow along. You can also add background music or other sound effects to make your video more engaging.
  5. Edit your video: Once you have recorded your video, use editing software to trim any unnecessary footage, add captions or annotations, and make any other necessary adjustments. You can use editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro X.
  6. Publish your video: Once you have edited your video, upload it to a video hosting platform like YouTube or Vimeo. Make sure you optimize your video with relevant keywords and tags to make it easier for customers to find.
  7. Share your video: Share your video tutorial with your customers through your website, social media, or email. You can also embed your video on your Google My Business page to help customers leave reviews more easily.

Keep your tutorial short, friendly, and to-the-point. Tutorials like this are a great way to improve your visibility online while creating engagement between you and your customers. 

Include Your Google Review Link in Your Email For Easy Access

Add your Google review link to all email correspondence, including followup emails, emailed newsletters, and promotional email campaigns. 

Building a review generation strategy

Continue to Collect Google Reviews For the Long Term

To create a long-term plan for continuing to get Google reviews for your business, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set a goal: Determine how many reviews you want to get per month or per year. This will give you a clear target to aim for and help you measure your progress.
  2. Ask for reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews by asking them in person, sending them a follow-up email after a purchase, or including a review request in your email signature or on your website.
  3. Make it easy to leave reviews: Provide clear instructions on how to leave a Google review, including a link to your Google My Business page. You can also create a step-by-step guide or video tutorial to make the process easier.
  4. Respond to reviews: Respond to every review, both positive and negative. This shows that you value your customers’ feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service.
  5. Monitor your reviews: Regularly monitor your Google reviews to ensure that you are addressing any issues or concerns raised by your customers. Use their feedback to improve your products or services.
  6. Promote your reviews: Showcase your positive reviews on your website, social media, or in your marketing materials. This will help build trust with potential customers and encourage them to do business with you.
  7. Train your team: Make sure your team is trained on how to ask for reviews and how to respond to them. This will ensure that your customer service is consistent across all touchpoints.
  8. Get help from a professional review management team. Online reputation management firms like NetReputation offer comprehensive review management services that help “lighten the load” for you and your business. 

Remember to stay consistent, monitor your progress, and always strive to improve your customer service.

Final Thoughts

Getting more Google reviews is a long-term process, and it may take some time to see results. Be patient and consistent with your efforts, and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results.

With the tips above, you gain understanding of how to get Google reviews. This helps position your business for success well into the future. 

How To Get Google Reviews FAQs

Here are selected questions commonly asked of our review management team at NetReputation:

How to Get 100 Reviews on Google?

Getting 100 reviews on Google can be a challenging goal, but it is achievable with some effort and consistency. Here are some tips on how to get 100 reviews on Google:

  1. Ask for reviews: The easiest way to get reviews is by asking your customers. Encourage them to leave a review by asking them in person, sending a follow-up email, or including a review request in your email signature or on your website.
  2. Make it easy to leave reviews: Provide clear instructions on how to leave a Google review, including a link to your Google My Business page. You can also create a step-by-step guide or video tutorial to make the process easier.
  3. Follow up with customers: Follow up with your customers after their purchase to ask for a review. This shows that you value their feedback and are committed to providing excellent customer service.
  4. Use social media: Use social media to promote your Google My Business page and ask for reviews. Share positive reviews on your social media channels to encourage others to leave reviews.
  5. Offer incentives: Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount or a free product, to customers who leave a review. Just be sure to follow Google’s guidelines and not offer incentives in exchange for positive reviews.

Finally, be patient: authentic reviews from your customers don’t always happen overnight. If you use the tips in our guide, you’re well on your way to that coveted 100 review mark!

How Do I Get 5-Star Reviews on Google for Free?

In the digital world, honest and authentic reviews from customers have tremendous value. Ideally, ALL of your reviews should be freely obtained.

To improve your chances of getting 5-star reviews, focus on your products and services delivery, ensuring positive customer experiences. Ask for reviews, and respond to the reviews you get to strengthen relationships between you and your customers. 

Can I Write Fake Google Reviews?

Technically, you could write fake reviews for your business – including buying fake reviews or having friends and family submit fake reviews. Here are reasons why that’s a bad practice:

  • It is not ethical to write fake Google reviews. Google has strict guidelines that prohibit the use of fake reviews or incentivized reviews. 
  • It is also considered a violation of the law in many countries to post fake reviews, and you could face legal consequences if caught. 
  • Fake reviews can damage your business’s reputation and credibility, and may result in your Google My Business page being suspended or removed. 
  • Many customers can easily detect fake reviews and may lose trust in your business. 

It is always best to encourage genuine reviews from satisfied customers through excellent service and providing them with a positive experience.

Contact NetReputation Today

Online reviews are an essential part of your business’s digital footprint and online reputation. At NetReputation, we’ve helped business owners maximize the positive impact of their review profiles. To learn more about our cutting-edge review management services, call 844-461-3632 today or complete the form below to begin your free consultation.

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