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Step-by-Step OfficialUSA.com Opt Out Guide

A person points at a transparent floating guide with the text "Step-by-Step OfficialUSA.com Opt Out Guide." The blurred background and partially visible person enhance the focus on the guide. In the lower right corner, a logo with the letters NR is prominently displayed.

This OfficialUSA.com opt out guide will walk you through the steps of finding your personal information on and removing it from the people search website.

OfficialUSA is a United States directory and state guide. While the website’s home page says that OfficialUSA is a “directory of U.S. websites,” that’s a little misleading because the site also publishes personal information, similar to other data brokers.

You can search for an individual’s name in a few different ways, and if that person has one or multiple records on the website, you can find information like:

  • Full name and/or middle initial
  • City and state
  • Birth date and age
  • Street address
  • Family members and other people connected
  • Phone number
  • Email address

You may also be able to find out property details like the type of home the individual has, how large the lot is, how much it was sold for, etc.

A close-up view of open blue filing cabinets labeled "personal data" in a vast, neatly arranged archival room, illustrating data storage and management.

If you find this amount of personal information when you search for your name, you may want to remove it. Having your first and last name, phone numbers, home address, possible relatives and other types of personal information so accessible can lead to a host of problems.

In order to prevent identity theft and even online harassment, go through the OfficialUSA opt out process to remove information from the website.

You can also contact our removal experts at 844-461-3632 for help removing your info from other data brokers.

The Complete OfficialUSA.com Opt Out Process

Next, we’re going to walk you through the OfficialUSA.com opt out process from start to finish, providing detailed instructions so you know exactly how to remove information from the website.

Remember, even if your personal information has shown up on other sites, each process to opt out will be different depending on the data broker.

If you need immediate help with opting out of this website and several others, call us today at 844-461-3632 to speak with a removal expert.

1. Find Your Information on the Website

There are a few different ways to find your information on OfficialUSA. First, you can search for your name at the top of the home page, using the search bar.

A webpage header titled "usa directory and state guides" with a description about directories for u.s. websites covering all states and a search bar labeled "search for all governments.

You can also scroll down the home page to look for one of two sections:

  1. The directory, which lists various names.
  2. The alphabetical U.S. persons index at the very bottom of the page.

2. Confirm That You Have the Right Person

Make sure that you have the right profile with your personal information instead of results for someone with the same name. Compare the data to ensure you have the right search result.

Note that the results page may have more than one listing, and they may not both be for you. You’ll have the opportunity to select your result during the OfficialUSA.com opt out process.

3. Save the URL

At the top of the web page, copy the URL and save it to a text document. You’ll need it for the next step.

4. Open the Form to Opt Out of OfficialUSA

On the people search results page, scroll down to the footer section. Click the Remove My Info link.

Step in the OfficialUSA.com opt out process.

5. Fill In the Online Form to Opt Out

Fill out the opt out online form. There are five steps here:

  1. Enter your full name
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Paste the URL you saved in the last step
  4. Enter your full address
  5. Click the Next Step button

Screenshot of a web form for reporting inappropriate content, including fields for name, email, url, comment, and a "next step" button.

6. Select the Correct Search Result To Opt Out

If more than one person’s listing is on the URL you submitted, you’ll be asked to select the one you want removed.

Click the circle to the left of the correct result, then click the blue Remove button.

Screenshot of an online form on "officialusa.com" for opting out, with checkboxes next to three listed items, and a "remove" button visible. a red box highlights the checkboxes on the left.

7. Wait for the Confirmation Page

You’re all done!

You should immediately see a confirmation page that says “Success!” at the top.

If you check the website again and the information is still there, give it 24-48 hours and check again. If you’re still seeing your personal information online, email support [at] officialusa [dot] com for help.

NetReputation Can Help With Data Brokers Publishing Your Personal Data

Whether you need help with the OfficialUSA.com opt out process or you want to ensure your data doesn’t show up on other data broker sites, you can hire removal experts to work on your behalf.

We’ll contact data brokers and people search sites for you to request that your information be removed, which will save a significant amount of time for you.

Finding your personal information on people search sites can be tricky, and the beginning-to-end removal process isn’t always as simple as it is with OfficialUSA.

For help with personal data removal and building a solid online reputation, speak with an ORM expert today by calling 844-461-3632 or filling out the form below.

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